Chicago. A city of Art and Culture. The cultural experience of Chicago with its multi-ethnic composition is an amalgam of colors and richness. The city and its people reflect the unique mixture of traditions and innovations and makes it difficult to define our culture as enclosed by geographical margins. In other words: Our culture is changing and it is not propietary.
Chicago. Una ciudad de arte y cultura. La experiencia cultural de Chicago, con su composición multiétnica, es una amalgama de colores y riqueza. La ciudad y su gente reflejan la mezcla única de tradiciones e innovaciones y hacen que sea difícil definir nuestra cultura como algo encerrado en márgenes geográficos. En otras palabras: nuestra cultura está cambiando y no es exclusiva.
Oposición a la hegemonía literaria en Latino Chicago
Nos oponemos a la hegemonía literaria ejercida por cualquier persona o grupo, donde ellas o ellos sean los árbitros del buen gusto o que puedan definir si algo es literatura o no. Se están posicionando varias personas dentro del mundo literario Latino de Chicago para ser ellos quienes decidan lo que es literatura y quien…
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En tierra de ciegos el tuerto es rey.
Plagiarios y colados en la literatura latina en Chicago. La literatura latina en Chicago esta invadida por pseudo-escritores quienes aprovechando la falta de cultura se hacen pasar por autores. Vemos, quienes hemos leído, la triste copia, adaptación y plagio, por falta de originalidad, de obras de autores conocidos o no tanto, donde se cambian algunos…
Opposition to literary hegemony in Latino Chicago
We oppose literary hegemony exercised by any person or group, where they are the arbiters of good taste or who can define whether something is literature or not. Several people within the Chicago Latino literary world are positioning themselves to be the ones who decide what is literature and who can or cannot write. This…
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Ignorant choices of Chicago’s cultural institutions
Chicago Cultural institutions continue to demonstrate a lack of understanding of Latino art and culture. This is reflected in their choices in cultural programs and programming of events. So far they have shown a belief that Latino Culture is only what is popular. disregarding that Latino culture goes far beyond its popular manifestations to include…
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In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king
Plagiarists and opportunist in Latino literature in Chicago. Latina literature in Chicago is invaded by pseudo-writers who, taking advantage of the lack of culture, pass themselves off as authors. We, who have read, see the sad copying, adaptation and plagiarism, due to lack of originality, of works by well-known or not so well-known authors, where…
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