Welcome to Art in Chicago. Art and Culture Pages.
Our new focus is on promoting the importance and need to maintain an independent voice in the Chicago Latino cultural world.
When we started around 1998 there were not many websites dedicated to Latino culture in Chicago and then, I saw the need to open our own media outlet. It has changed over time and will continue to change again and again. With the creation of the online calendar Arte y Vida compiled by Amor Montes de Oca, the need to offer a calendar of events became secondary. Time for new directions to define the final search for what is really needed in the field of Latino art information in Chicago.
I firmly believe that an independent voice, free of commercial influences or associations or groups, is important to maintain a balance in communication.
Now, when at the beginning of the internet there was almost no cultural information, this site fulfilled an important function; now with the new era in information and social media, having a site dedicated to events has become obsolete.
I think that Latina Culture in Chicago is no longer something isolated nor can it be considered independent from the culture of other ethnic groups, since these have been merging and in the new generation, we see mixtures of young people who belong to more than one linguistic and cultural group and in front of us what were isolated groups begin to mix.
Therefore, the focus should be CULTURE, in general, without ethnic labels that separate and isolate artists, limiting their participation in cultural life in Chicago.